Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Well worth the wait!!!!!
So before today the only fish that I have bought for my tank were the two oscellaris clown fish and a copper banded angelfish. Of which, only one nemo is still alive. The other three fish in the tank are one of my friend's fish. He is from australia and his name is Robert Burdzy. He has been a big help in getting my tank up and going. Well, last week Robert and myself put in a fish order from a big company in L.A.. I ordered a lawnmower blenny, blue hippo tang(dory), fox face(yellow fish with a mow-hawk of spines), a new oscellaris(nemo), a cleaner shrimp, and a whole bunch of snails to keep my substrate clean. Well soon as the fish came in the lawnmower died and the company different have one of the species of snails that I ordered so they sent my backup plan a green anemone. Well the entire order went to Roberts house where last week we setup 3 holding tanks for our orders and so that he can start ordering fish for other people. I couldn't stand the waiting. They arrived on thursday and I finally picked them up yesterday late afternoon. I was so excited I probably didn't allow them to acclimate long enough before adding them all to my tank. I was just so exstatic all I could think about was finally stocking my tank with my own fish. I have done a lot of researching and looking around at what fish I wanted. Well enough of the monologue here are some pictures of me and the family adding the fish from the acclimation bucket to my display tank.
I went to feed my anemone this morning and I guess I needed to be cleaned.
The green anemone.
Then Aunt misty came to help.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
New pictures 1/21/10
Here is one of my favorite pictures that I took. It is nemo in front of my hammer corral and one of my mushrooms that is red with blue spots on it.
This little guy decided he wanted to get in on the picture action.
Nemo has been hosting this hammer coral for a little while, but I have yet to be able to get a good picture of him laying down and getting a good rub down.
My first mushroom has now become 6 or 7
These little zooanthids have not really taken hold yet.
Just a couple of the 15 or so hermit crabs in the tank
Well in a couple of days we will have a new blue hippo tang(dory), a foxface, a green anenome, and a ton of snails.I am sooooo excited. They are currently at a buddies of mine that is putting them in a holding tank for me. I also got my T5 retrofit light kit